A careers site that reflects your identity

Show your employer brand off to its best with a bespoke careers site designed to draw in top talent

Showcase your corporate culture and streamline the recruitment process with Kelio’s ATS. Design and build an eye-catching careers site, group all your job offers in one place, customise your adverts and track how they perform.

Walk applicants through your corporate culture

Walk applicants through your corporate culture

Your careers site is an all-important lever in nurturing your employer brand and expanding your job offers’ reach. Think of it as showroom for applicants!

Promote your company and its values, along with your job offers. Share your brand history and story to date, display photos and videos of your teams and workspaces, and add updates and news.

A turnkey solution that’s quick and easy to manage, helping you save both money and time.

You don’t need any special IT skills to manage the careers site: it’s an excellent way of honing your brand image as an employer by giving applicants the opportunity to learn more about your organisation and making it easy to view your job offers at a glance.

Building a careers site has never been easier!

Recruit top talent

Recruit top talent

As an employer, it’s vital you stand out from the competition by showcasing all your company’s key information and building a smooth, streamlined applicant journey.
Don’t forget that when comparing two identical offers, applicants will reflect on each company’s reputation and working environment.

Our careers website lets you pull all your job offers together in the same place to boost your employer brand and bolster visibility.

The benefits: A job search engine for applicants to search for the most relevant opening for them and filter by role, contract type and city. All that’s left for them to do is pick the advert that best matches their profile and apply! They can also view openings on an interactive map, making it easy for them to spot jobs near them.

Does your company have branches or offices abroad? Roll your careers site out in different languages to make sure your employer brand shines on the world stage!

Hone how you communicate with applicants

Create job adverts in step with your identity

Kelio’s recruitment software lets you customise your job offers with ease, tweaking each one to align with your criteria.

Set the strengths you’re looking for in applicants, such as:

  • Experience,
  • Skills,
  • Qualifications.

A picture is worth a thousand words

Configure your adverts to boost their appeal and draw in applicants:

  • Change the background,
  • Customise key information,
  • Add a video offering a clearer snapshot of the job opening
 Track how your careers site is performing

Track how your careers site is performing

Effortlessly manage advert effectiveness from your dashboard using the data-tracking feature. Easily identify application rates and the best-performing channels (job boards, recommendations, email campaigns, etc.).

All the keys you need to tailor and improve your adverts, understand what is or isn’t working, and draw in the very best candidates to optimise the applicant experience.

An example of statistics you can expect to see:

  • Number of active adverts online
  • Number of applications per advert, and a breakdown of how many applications were approved and rejected
  • Where applicants are coming from (job boards, employee referral bonus, internal mobility, etc.)
  • Average recruitment time
  • Conversion rate and bounce rate for the applicant funnel
  • Careers site traffic

You can filter this data by entity, city, contract type, and more.

Kelio's ATS software in figures:

+ 150

clients in a range of different sectors

+ 3 million

applicants every year

50 %

time-savings across the recruiting process


Why choose Kelio’s ATS to help manage your recruitment ?

  • Automated job offer-sharing across a series of job boards and platforms
  • Quick-fire application sorting via multiple-choice questions, video pitches and CV scanning
  • Enhance your employer brand
  • Recruitment statistics and analytics
  • Data processing in line with GDPR
  • Walk applicants through your corporate culture
  • Recruit top talent
  • Job offers that reflect your employer brand and image
  • Track how your careers site is performing


35 years' expertise

38 years' expertise

International presence

International presence



Dedicated contact person

Dedicated contact person

Proximity and availability

Proximity and availability

