Video surveillance
Monitor your buildings and manage your video surveillance system with Kelio
Control your remote video surveillance equipment, watch live streams and manage your cameras using Kelio Security access control software.

Why use a video surveillance system?
The purpose of video protection is to:
- Prevent malicious activity by deterring potential vandals or thieves, etc.
- Assist with the surveillance of sensitive areas: reception lobbies, car parks, storage warehouses, secondary access routes, transit zones, etc.
- Control flows and reinforce the identification of people and vehicles accessing the premises
- Facilitate the work of the security teams
- Determine the cause of an incident and provide proof
- Supervise a specific activity (e.g. monitor a production chain, etc.)

Monitor your buildings in real time
With Kelio, the different cameras can be accessed in one click and represented on the building surveillance plan in 2D or 3D, so that you can:
- administer your equipment (cameras, switches, recorders)
- view the live camera streams
- manage the cameras remotely, including the zoom and the direction

Control circulation flows
Cameras installed at the entry points to your sites can be used to view people and vehicles entering in real time. When a vehicle enters a warehouse or a presence is detected, the Kelio solution can, for example:
- trigger a recording of the video stream
- send an e-mail or SMS alert to the security manager

Number plate recognition: convert number plates into access badges!
We have developed a new functionality that reads number plates.When associated with specific cameras (ANPR), this functionality can:
- let a vehicle enter (e.g. car park barrier)
- start or end a visit
Both visitors and staff have one or more number plates that can be used as badge numbers:
- After declaring their number plates in their employee records, staff can enter with their own vehicle (work or personal).
- Number plate recognition can be connected to Kelio Visitor Management and used to record the arrival of an identified visitor and grant them access.

Review and save recorded sequences in compliance with the GDPR
With the Kelio interface, you can easily make use of your video recordings thanks to:
- the simple, intuitive ergonomics
- visual markers that make it easy to identify specific moments in the video recording, making it easier to establish proof.
Kelio software includes strict rights management so that access to the recorded images can be restricted to authorised people in the organisation only.
The recordings are programmed to be kept for 30 days, in accordance with European legislation (GDPR).
Video surveillance and GDPR: precautions to take before installing a video protection system
Before installing video surveillance, you must meet a number of requirements, in particular:
- define a legal and legitimate purpose for using video surveillance, proportionate to the level of risk (protection of individuals, deterring theft, etc.)
- according to the applicable employment law, consult and inform the staff representative bodies
- inform staff individually that you have installed a video protection system
- register the system in the organisation's data processing register (Article 30.1 of the GDPR)
- arrange the cameras in compliance with the principle of proportionality and respect for personal dignity
- adhere to the recorded images storage time set out in your national regulations
- restrict access to the images to duly authorised, trained individuals
- display comprehensive information on the premises, specifying: the existence of the video protection system, the name of the manager, the purpose, the length of time the recordings are kept, how to make a complaint to the national control authority and the procedure for requesting access to the recordings
Why choose Kelio for your video surveillance solution?
- Easy interfacing between Kelio Security and your video surveillance system
- Remote camera management
- Control of flows in real time
- Secure, customisable viewing rights
- Simplified replay of video sequences
- Access control by number plate recognition
- Designed to meet GDPR requirements